I got into LAX at 11 pm and Rachel came to meet me at the airport. She claimed that it was freezing outside, which got a big belly laugh from me, as 'freezing' to her was 65 degrees, a temperature I hadn't seen in months. I pranced around outside in a t-shirt for a while before I realized that I needed to drag my suitcase about 18 blocks to her apartment. There was no more prancing after that.
Thursday was Chinese New Year, and the LA parade was on Saturday. One of two things I knew I wanted to do it LA was go see the festival, so we did.
I got some Korean barbecue (very Chinese) and a rabbit netsuke (also very Chinese), and we tried our best to enjoy the parade despite the assholes who tried to make everyone else sit down so they could see from their chairs.
We had dinner with Alex and Chad at an amazing South Indian restaurant. Over the course of conversation, The Room was mentioned. By happenstance, I had a copy of the film with me, Rifftrax included. After dinner we had a screening of this remarkable piece of cinema, and enjoyed every minute of it. Ok, most of the minutes. Maybe not the ones where Tommy Wiseau was naked...
*Not really
Skeletons of a camel (smoking kills, kids) and a buffalo, I think.
We finally made it to the Santa Monica pier, which happens to look a lot like Super Silly Fun Land from Despicable Me.
We had arrived in time to watch the sunset, as you can see.
I kinda wish I knew who those two are, so I could send them this photo.
By the time we left the beach we were all really hungry, so we spent another hour and a half changing and finding a place to eat. By the time we got to an In-N-Out Burger, I was close to eating my tour guides. While we ate, all I could think about was how good those burgers were (Shut the fuck up, Donny!).
Afterward, we walked up and down the Hollywood Walk of Fame, looked at the various hand prints in front of Grauman's Chinese Theater, and were accosted by some creep. That last part was just me.
Monday morning we went to Beverly Hills to 'window shop'. This amounted to laughing at the insane prices and styles of most of the outfits we saw. One wedding gown in particular looked like it had been constructed from "newsprint someone bought at Michael's" (Rachel). Newsprint and a lot of giant, fake, taupe roses.
We moved on to the farmer's market on 3rd and Fairfax and saw this guy reading over a script with his agent. I was a bit too excited about that.
The Grove was right around the corner so we went to look at the shops. Also, The Grove looks like this:
Finally, it was time to go to the taping of the Late, Late show with Craig Ferguson! I was the 4th to last person admitted (the show only has an audience of 104) and he was visibly exhausted (which is allowed, since he is a new father). The show was still really awesome and if I can find all of the clips, I will put them in a separate blog post.
Rachel was in class while I saw the show, so I made my way back all by myself. I knooow, so grown up!
Just an extension of Monday, really. I was awake by 3:30 am, Chad was a darling and drove me to the airport and I flew to Las Vegas at 7:30. Sin City, here I come!
You didn't tell me Chad was there, too! How amazing! It sounds (and looks) like you had an amaaaaaazingly wonderful time. I'm kinda bummed I couldn't have come, too, but now I know that I MUST make it out at some point.
ReplyDeleteI insist that you elaborate on the creep accostage post haste.
Also, that sunset picture is GORGEOUS.
It was very awesome, and in no little part due to the fact that I got to see so many friends :)
ReplyDeleteThe accostage was not as funny as it sounds in the post - he walked behind us down the street hollering at me, then grabbed my ass and ran away. It was, for whatever reason, mortifying. I think because I was too shocked to immediately do something, and I lost my chance to bitch him out. I just felt really stupid. Not fun.
And yes, the sunset was amazing :) More photos of it on Facebook.