I know I sound like Henry Higgins, but damn it, Eliza needed those lessons and so do a lot of the people that I encounter in the Great Land of the North (Maine).

I'm not sure why mispronunciation bothers me so much, maybe it's the whole child-of-two-teachers thing, but these are some words, all of which I have heard in the past few weeks, that make me want to beat the people who say them around the head with a ping pong paddle.
- Supposably
- I could care less (less mispronunciation than it is just not thinking about the phrase)
- Valentimes (this one literally makes me want to step on kittens)
*As a completely unrelated aside, to this older woman I worked for who told me that I was a sinner for:
- my parents being divorced
- for wearing pants
- for having tattoos
- for ever drinking anything stronger than hot chocolate (this includes tea)
I guess you didn't tell her about your mother's "lifestyle choice" to add one more to your list of sins. I hope you don't have to work with her anymore.